About us

We set out with a simple goal: to welcome all

Our objective is to welcome all Muslims regardless of background or beliefs.

How We Think

The philosophy of Masjid Al Furqan is to unite the community

A “masjid” means a place of prostration, and at Masjid Al-Furqan our aim is to provide the local Muslim community a place of worship without objection and prejudice.

We will strive to provide the community (Muslim or non Muslim) a place to come and learn about Islam, to allow the mosque to be a springboard to furthering the communities Islamic knowledge, which will help to eliminate any misunderstandings and promote a healthier atmosphere.

Our Story

It all began when we worked together to open the Masjid to fill a big void for the Muslim community of Leigh.

The first Muslims to settle in Leigh were around 1970, working in the local industrial mills of the day, they worked selflessly to provide for their family, Islam was always on the forefront of these early pioneers, who after settling down soon realised a mosque is a must. After a while the small community decided to put a part of their hard earned money into a dilapidated terraced house, the refurbishment work on the house started, and the first mosque began to take shape. Virtually all these endeavours were on a voluntary basis; the people would finish their work shifts and meet up at the house to do what they could.

In 1997 when the former Primary and Junior School on Vernon Street became available on the market, it was bigger and suited the needs of the community better, also with one eye on the future, the founders knew the next generation would out-grow the current setup so a decision was made to purchase the building.

The management have always kept the basic principles of the mosque alive; to be able to offer 5 daily prayers and Quranic reading classes to children growing up in the vicinity of the mosque.

The current generations of Muslims using these premises owe the pioneers a great debt and gratitude for their noble services. The committee endeavour to follow in their footsteps and to give back to the Muslim and non Muslim community.


50 Vernon Street